Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Finishing A Blog.

A lot of people start a blog. But how many people FINISH a blog? Ofttimes you'll see one just trail off, sure. But what about a proper, satisfactory conclusion? What about a sense of closure?

Well, here you go, folks! Once again it falls to me to set the tone where others fail to so much as even see the need.

I declare this blog: FINISHED.

Up next: Consider Your Ass Kicked! 2: Legacy.


Anonymous said...

If your blog was turned into a hollywood movie I can just imagine the voiceover .... "Consider Your Ass Kicked 2 .... This Time It's Personal"


dogimo said...

I think that would have to be the 4th one, though!

More seriously, the day this blog goes personal is the day I lose interest in writing it.