Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh, yeah, by the way..."Ratings and Reactions Enabled"

I forgot to specifically announce this. But last week or so, back when I was trying to figure out that label snafu, which resulted in me discontinuing the use of labels going forward, I figured out how to enable Reactions and...whatever the other one is called. Ratings? Yeah.

I couldn't announce it then, because technically I was on strike against posting anything that would ideally require a new label. Which, a post like this - it would have needed two new labels: ratings, reactions.

But what's done is done, what's past is past, and here's your belated chock-full-of-yay announcement: yay, Ratings and Reactions!

Now if you want to "sound off" on a post, but you don't necessarily have anything to say about it (in the comments), you can still make your voice be heard, with two primo options. You can 'Rate' the post by how many stars (it's a five scale, which personally I find distasteful, but whatever). Or! You can click the 'Reactions' check boxes: to give a little more specific indication of your take on that post.

I didn't want to go overboard with any real extreme superlatives or loaded epithets on those Reactions, so your choices are: hard, hurt, odd, fine, sharp, and fun. Which should all be pretty self-explanatory.

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