Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Who's Cooler Than Dad?

So, playing pool tonight, I decided to try something different. It was kind of arbitrary, for no reason, but anyway - oh! And BY THE WAY, let me tell you this was the most PATHETIC EXCUSE for an evening of pool I have ever had the misfortune to be associated with. Let me tell you what happened, you will either agree with me, or not know what you're talking about. Here's how it went down. After a hard-fought evening of close games and back-and-forths in the standings, the three of us ended up each tied. A three-way tie. And not only tied in terms of victories, I am talking everybody was at .500 (in the win-loss ratio). All three of us: three wins, three losses. Freakish. That has never happened. Probably because usually there's four of us. Trust Nick to screw everything up by flaking.

So, with the standings in that sorry state, naturally I took the high road and I insisted (and it wasn't even that late!) that the other two guys duke it out: one last game, for first place. So at least somebody ends up a winner, right? Right? And I thought that was very generous and self-sacrificing of me! I had just lost the last game, after a hot streak, I'd lost the game to bring everybody into this 3-way stall. And I was galled about it too, because let me tell you: I thought I had the whole night in hand. I was scenting victory. I was the presumptive gold medalist in my own mind! And there I was, saying: you two guys, I insist, play one more game, I'll watch, there's no longer ANY CHANCE of me being the big winner but rather than settle for this ignominious equanimity lets have some winner and some losers after a hard night of honorable combat.

Fuckers declined. We all tied for bronze.

Can you believe that? And me being so magnanimous about it! And I had nothing to gain, there. I just wanted a result. While these two guys, they were each fine with just not losing. They were fine playing a great, competitive night of pool only to end up with no result.

Has there ever been such a sad lack of competitive zeal? Such out-and-out absence of sportsmanship whatsoever? I don't call it bad sportsmanship. I don't call it good sportsmanship either, obviously! It was wasn't unsportsmanlike, it was asportsmanlike. A total null patch in the sportsmanship receptors on these dudes' brains, at least for that moment in time. I will charitably credit it as a temporary lapse.


I was going to call double-forfeit on 'em, but I decided I didn't have the moral standing.

Anyway, before that debacle, as I was saying, I had decided going into the evening that I was going to try something different. I was going to try to act cool, during the games. Just to see if it made any appreciable difference to my gameplay. Sometimes a nice mindset shift, or a mantra or whatever, people say it can make a difference.

Well, it didn't make a difference, but in the process of it not making a difference, I noticed something that I thought was kind of cool. I realized that me trying to be cool, basically what it translated into, what I was doing was, more-or-less unconsciously I was trying to act like Dad. That was kind of a shock when I realized exactly what was going on! But I got a kick out of it, too though. It was kind of interesting to realize.

And really. The question can be legitimately be asked: who's cooler than Dad?

Man I should have won that last game. Pathetic.


Unknown said...

Glad you have a cool Dad! My Dad was lots of things..I'm not sure if cool was one of them...see my Father's Day post:

dogimo said...

The funny thing is, I doubt my dad would consider himself particularly "cool"! That's why it was kind of a funny surprise to step back and see myself trying to act cool, but what I was doing was channeling dad.

That is a touching post! I'm one of 98 siblings myself.

dogimo said...

That's NINE (9) siblings. Not 98.

Keyslip, but the result was too funny to delete!

Mel said...

Dads are way cool, but I can think of something more cool … Granddads. My granddad use to get his pointer finger and pull the side of his mouth so it made a popping sound like a champagne bottle being de-corked. Very cool.

He was also a squadron leader in the RAF during WW2 and single-handedly won the war for the allies, but that’s a whole other story.

My niece, Lucy-girl, thinks her granddad is the business as well.

This is Lucy and Granddad and his beard after he came back from being outback

This is Lucy and an unimpressed granddad, as Lucy is doing the v-sign behind his head

I must admit, Dad is pretty awesome at times. Like when he’s watching footy on the tv, he gets so passionate I swear he’s gonna have a coronary … he yells at the players and starts calling them all “boneheads” which I find cool, so I spend the next few days calling everyone a bonehead, just so I can be cool like him.

Wow, 98 kids, … people throw around the word epic these days with little thought to its appropriateness, but I think it’s a fair call to say your dad is cool and epic.

dogimo said...

I think it's safe to say that you have to give it up to Mom more, at that point.

dogimo said...

Ah darlin' you'll never learn the way of those links, now, will you? I could teach you I could.