Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

My Favorite Breweries At This Point

I'm having a North Coast Red Seal Ale. You know, North Coast is a strange case among my top 3 favorite breweries (the other two being Bear Repubic and duh, guess). Bear Republic definitely has a funny emphasis going on with all their beers that I don't know how to describe, but that they usually pull off dandy and I just drink 'em when I'm in the mood for that peculiar hard-core vibe they instill in all they do. They do love their hops! And so do I.

Anderson Valley brews a wide range of styles, but there's still a certain unity of character going on that can be glimpsed between the rows. And sometimes (having right now a REFRIGERATOR FULL of it), that unique and interesting character may not be what I'm in the mood for just then...which I never thought I'd say! And if I think about Boont Amber too hard, well yeah, I'm back in the mood. But regardless...

North Coast seems different. North Coast seems to take on each of their products as almost a separate project. I wouldn't have known the people who brew Blue Star are the people who brew Scrimshaw are the people who brew Red Seal are the people who brew Ol' Rasputin are the people who brew the two lovely Acmes (which do however between them bear a sisterly resemblance). But I love every one of these beers and ales. North Coast's only real hallmark, as far as I can tell, is excellence. Outstanding brewery!

In fact, just as I was reviewing their status just now, they have now edged out Bear Republic for the #2 spot! Just that quick!

Magic Hat fell from #2 right out of even the top 5 a while ago. Out of sight out of mind. They need distribution out here if they want me to keep top-ranking them. How do I know they still bring the magic??? I apologize, that's an empty aspersion, I have every confidence they still do, and a tip of the hat to them, but if I can't get it then they can't be in MY top 5, can they? It fails the "my" requirement - if it's "my," then I have some. Or can get some.

As long as I'm rhapsodizing, might as well give a shout out to the redoubtable top 5:

1. Anderson Valley Brewing Co. (and really, it is the almighty Boont Amber Ale itself that fends off all comers and keeps 'em there, great as their other offerings admittedly are!)
2. Bear Republic (BASTARDS! They just re-leapfrogged the North Coasters, just that quick! They are fierce competitors and they know how to run a race!)
3. North Coast (North Coast doesn't care. They're laid back craftsmen, confident in the worth of their fine range of wares)
4. Sierra Nevada (chuckling to itself: "I sell triple all the rest of these clowns combined!")
5. Deschutes. Love Deschutes. It's no knock putting them fifth, there are many many fine breweries further down the list! I think what edged 'em up to the top five was the one-two combo of the perennially fine Mirror Pond (and by fine I mean DOUBLE-UNDERLINE FINE), and their wonderful newish Green Lakes Organic Ale, which I've been meditating upon of late.

Sorry, New Belgium. I was buying literally everything you put out at least once, and loving most of it but...schizandra?

Not a magic word!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Deschutes Brewery!

Being underage I sadly wasn't able to try their beer while I was in Bend over the summer(which was SUCH a bummer because the colors of the ale were oh, SO enticing!) but they have some rockin' homemade ginger ale.

dogimo said...

Now THAT I have to try! Ginger ale, holy crow.

My fridge is rarely without some Deschutes. I've been on a Mirror Pond kick lately, but for a while I was alternating Green Lakes and Black Butte Porter.

I would love to try some of their other offerings, but those are the only 3 that you ever see down here! I'd love a hit off that Inversion IPA, just going by how they describe it.

Anonymous said...

They make root beer also, but the ginger ale definitely takes the cake.

How can you prove your name is Joe? I'm curious!

dogimo said...

Wow. That's a heck of a question. Nobody's ever challenged me on that point.

And WHAT a weird coincidence. Right as you were putting this comment in, I was messing around on a half-baked post considering the question of evidence, specifically, "Art vs. Evidence." (it didn't work out as a post...)

Anyway, I guess, I have to answer your question two ways. First, I have to admit it would be hard for me to prove it to you, specifically, over the internet - because now that you're making me think about it, any means of ID I could produce as proof could just as easily be faked by these savvy infoteers and identity pirates. So in that sense, I guess I can't prove it, at least to who's asking!

But to me, it's still something I can claim to be able to prove, since I can prove it to the authorities if called upon to do so.

I swear my name is Joe. I swear it. I know a person's word, these days...typed...probably not that compelling.

There's a few people who've met me who comment on here from time to time...maybe one of them could put in a good word. But really, that doesn't prove it too well either - they only think my name is Joe because I told them!


It's a complex question you raise, there, Erica!

If that is in fact your name.