Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ahhhhhh, Anderson Valley! We Toast (with) Thine Foaming Amber Waves

Having some Anderson Valley Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout.


The flavor is full and rich, slightly sweet, but the drinkability is curiously light and easy for a stout. Like it!

And my goodness, am I ever a happy little Boontling. I walked into BevMo and lo and behold: a sale on Anderson Valley product! By "sale" I should clarify: it was $7.99 a sixpack. But considering it's normally like $9.59, or even $10.20, it was a foregone conclusion that I was going to leave heavily laden down. I put back the two non-Boont offerings I'd already selected - when I saw that price, the game was changed. I left with five sixpacks of the pure and true bahlness.

"Eee-Tah! Boont steinbers aplenty bahl hornin'!"

My six-pack picks, for the record:
  • Summer Solstice, their deliciously creamy-tart light-drinking seasonal summertime ale,
  • Poleeko Gold, their year-round refreshing pale ale with good hop bite and a characteristic slight sourness to it, 
  • Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout (see above - I'd had it before but only on tap at the historic and lamented Buckhorn Saloon within the sacred confines of its native Anderson Valley - the bottled version translates beautifully across the intervening time and distance!),
  • Belk's ESB (though they don't call it "Belk's" anymore, they call it Boont ESB - building brand synergy no doubt), and of course: 
  • BOONT AMBER ALE!!! Which for my money is the best beer available. Or to put it less like a brightlighter, it's the steinber I'm stook on
Belk's ESB excuse me, Boont ESB has some similar flavor characteristics to the Poleeko, which I'd never noticed prior to drinking a bottle of each in close chronal proximity, but it's a bit harder to pin down, more esoterically aggressive than the good old Poleeko Gold. I'll need to take a crack at better describing it later, whilst I've got the flavor in my mouth. It's a good one.

Right now, though, I'm sliding across an oatmeal sky on a stout-foam cloud.

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