What's a commitment worth?
What about a commitment to yourself?
Is that worth less? More?
I have a problem. One that maybe, one or more of you can help with. Not in a direct way, not with material assistance or personal intervention, just by...maybe, providing some kind of perspective. Maybe not even help with the problem itself. Maybe just...helping me to frame it. In my mind.
My problem:
I have obligations.
That I have defaulted on.
But here's the thing: I do not believe that I have defaulted upon them.
I mean, yes, I am more than willing to admit I have defaulted on them. But, "defaulted upon" - this conjures in my mind an image of me doing the worm across my obligations. Breakdancing upon them. Vigorously disporting upon them, as if while thumbing my nose and whooping, in exultant disdain or contempt.
I assure you, there was none of that! I merely...defaulted on them.
Isn't that bad enough? Surely that's quite bad enough! Isn't it? We don't need to resort to prepositional hyperbole to make me feel bad, do we? DO WE?
I dispute and resent any suggestion that I may have or ever would default upon my obligations. That's not who I am.
That's even not who I see myself as.
What about a commitment to yourself?
Is that worth less? More?
I have a problem. One that maybe, one or more of you can help with. Not in a direct way, not with material assistance or personal intervention, just by...maybe, providing some kind of perspective. Maybe not even help with the problem itself. Maybe just...helping me to frame it. In my mind.
My problem:
I have obligations.
That I have defaulted on.
But here's the thing: I do not believe that I have defaulted upon them.
I mean, yes, I am more than willing to admit I have defaulted on them. But, "defaulted upon" - this conjures in my mind an image of me doing the worm across my obligations. Breakdancing upon them. Vigorously disporting upon them, as if while thumbing my nose and whooping, in exultant disdain or contempt.
I assure you, there was none of that! I merely...defaulted on them.
Isn't that bad enough? Surely that's quite bad enough! Isn't it? We don't need to resort to prepositional hyperbole to make me feel bad, do we? DO WE?
I dispute and resent any suggestion that I may have or ever would default upon my obligations. That's not who I am.
That's even not who I see myself as.
As in... Joe was in default over his obligation to provide a completed track-by-track in-depth analysis of Bryan Adams's legacy in 36 installments.
But yes, I don't imagine you defaulting upon your obligations.
Defaulting on something, to me, sounds like a broken contract-- a severed business relation, without the mess severance usually entails. Like one party just slid away into the night, non-confrontationally letting the obligations dissolve.
But to default UPON something? I'm not gonna lie to you, that sounds like something only a pompous ass would do. Why not just go for broke, and screw your obligations? At least then you're being direct.
I have defaulted.
There. Simple, elegant, even if you haven't really. People will forget as long as there's no emotional prepositional phrase to associate with the memory.
@lac - I always want you to chime in! Especially when you're agreeing with me.
@JMH - Excellent suggestion. I could only add:
"I have defaulted, motherfucker."
Also, Mel? Bryan Adams has a legacy?
Also, re Bryan Adams's legacy - the final tale on that has yet to be written. So far I am up to #9 of a planned 36 installments.
So if my math is correct, that's 25% down, 75% left to go!