
Moving Day!

Chapter and Verse

Time to Cut 'n' Color!

Out-Of-Context-Comments #18: Why Would Anyone Want to Die?

Creepin' Me Out, Maaaan...

Laundromat #2

Laundromat Thought #1

Thought of the Day, Lightly Compromised

My Coerced Covers Concept Album

What about Hamlet?

Just Precisely How Loud Can You Crank This?

Stupid Happy

"You Will Make Me Call Your Name...

I Dislike the Term "Poetry Slam."

Mistakenly Perfect Thought of the Day

Thought of Whenever I Get to It

Tips for Honest People, Not Knowing Who to Trust

Once Again, the Devil's Advocate

Methought of the Dayest

So Sick of the Latest Bands

Superman Has to Have Some Kind of Eating Disorder

Thought of the Day: the Truth Value of Where Volubility Intersects Dead-On Accuracy, As Expressed In Nickels

Thought of the Brain, on my Mind, of my Soul

Stalker Pt.2: Some Housecleaning, Some Closure

I Dress In Blue.

The Communion of Saints

Discrete Thought of the Day



Once Again, Victimized by Social Norms and an Opportunistic Capitalist Fashion Industry

Kickass TV Show Pitch: SISSY & THE BITCH

Saturday Lazy Day Confusions

The hope of being someday understood.

A Medal

OK I'll Bite: What's Up with the Ancient Antipodean Fixation Lately?

Favorite Bands Blah Blah Blah

Request for Help, Feedback, Advice. Help?

But Is the Reverse Also True?

Two people walk into a bar.

Content Warning!

The Architect Scene, Pt.2: Applying the Lessons

The Architect Scene

Thought of You

Some People Find Humor Offensive

Feminism and Body Objectification Issues Regarding Boobs

My new girlfriend's

This Is Just a Natural for the Wii Treatment!

Arbitrary Dichotomizing #1: Legos or Lincoln Logs?

Eight Inches - Nothing to Sneeze At!

I Laughed As I Left That Pathetic Wretch Spasming on the Pavement!

If Gravity

Up Next: A Cavalcade of Has-Beens!

I'm Beyond Hot.

Ah, Lay Your Hands

On the Topic of You-Know-What

Ain't Got No Time for the Corner Boys

Pascal's Wager Revisited

Your Grim Stevedores

So I Flew Home

Old Rolls #3

Old Rolls #2

Old Rolls

In My Command

Suffer Never

Why are we waiting? Waiting for what

Beside you

The Flower Shrub Outside Is Going Off

None More Random Pt.5

Has Anyone Here Actually Read Hitler's Mein Kampf?

Purpose of Life #5

Purpose of Life #4

Purpose of Life: Previous Attempts

Kind of a Funny Joke, You See, Te He

Purpose of Life #2

Purpose of Life #1

Big Head Todd & the Monsters / Blues Traveler at the Mountain Winery

I Would Die 4 U

It's That Final Analysis Guy Again

Quote of the Day

Blue Canary In the Outlet by the Lightswitch, Who Watches Over Me


Self-Quote of the Moment

Is Opinion Really Worth Anything?

Speaking as a Damn Feminist...

Waxing Autobiographical

Thought of the Day, Smiling Wide

Another One for the Card Shop

Back to Work!

A Promissory Note

Retroactively, a Novel.

If Others Would Accept Us As We Are, Then We Would Be Happy

Thought of a day gone by

I Kind of Smell.

The Blessings of a Life Lived to the Null

Wow, I Have Never Been Happier.

Confessions For Your FACE #2: Less Smart

Word of the Day: "Futilitarian"

Whatever Happens Today,

The Positive Thought Process

Eternal Posers: Can God Make a Rock So Heavy That He Himself Cannot Lift It?