Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, December 05, 2009

To Balance the Equation

Ok, I've put up a couple Star Trek related bits and I guess I should also give a bit of 'equal time' to Star Trek: New Power Generation.

I don't really care for it, compared to the original per se, but I did finally admit a few years back that the 2nd crew did eventually develop a real chemistry, a certain depth and interest of characterization among the regulars that's matched by few television shows. A bit short of stellar mark set by the original Trek series, perhaps! But a worthy ensemble nonetheless, one that holds up under even some of the worst and most confusing dialogue ever written:

With thanks to Popped Culture!

1 comment:

Lunarchick said...

Oh no no way. I ran across this one flying around the old Net and was going to post it on MY blog and here it is on YOURS. Wow this is blowing my mind....great minds and all that. How lovely is that!!?? :-)